Student-Centered Learning
Rice Lake Elementary is a community that teachers the traits of respect, responsibility, cooperation and perseverance to create a safe and positive culture.
684 Students
Rice Lake Elementary served 684 students in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Opened in 1992
Centennial School District purchased the 55-acre Rice Lake Elementary School site from Harold Lehman and Irene and Hugo Jorgenson in 1991. Rice Lake School was opened in the fall of 1992.
High Open Enrollment Rate
Over 1,000 students open enroll in the district annually.
Community Involvement
Student Leadership
News & Announcements
Local legislators, city and county leaders, staff, and student representatives attended the district's legislative breakfast, hosted by the Centennial School Board.
Sign up your child, ages 3-5, for Centennial High School's FREE Cougar Cubs Playschool. Activities are planned and implemented by Centennial High School Child Psychology II students, under the supervision of their teacher.
Check out the Community Education offerings. There's something for everyone! Registration is now open.
Spotlight is on Tyler Cook, North Metro TV's Student of the Month. Catch the interview with Tyler and Coach Diggins.
Students celebrated “Minnesota Goes to College Month” in October and participated in a variety of activities designed to help guide their postsecondary planning. A favorite activity: Playing College Bingo during LEAP.